TrueRC does it again with the Singularity series! They've come up with a stronger, smaller and more sensitive antenna. This is the Singularity 5.8, now in a stubby form factor. The case is made thicker than the original version for extreme durability.
We also carry these in RP-SMA for the DJI Digital FPV Goggles
Check out our ever expanding selection of VTX antennas and our range of TrueRC gear!
- Gain: 1.9dbic
- Cross-Polar Rejection: -15 to -30dB (1.9%)
- Bandwidth: 5.6GHz-6.0GHz
- Radiation Efficiency: 99%
- SWR: <=1.5:1
- Connector: SMA
- Size: 12.7mm x 20mm (PDF)
- Weight: 3.7 g
Patent Pending
- 1x TrueRC Singularity 5.8GHz Stubby SMA Antenna - RHCP